Saturday, February 13, 2010

"If I'm a crown without a king, if I'm a broken, open seed
If I come without a thing, I come with all I need
No boat out in the blue, no place to rest your head
The trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead
I do not exist, only You exist."- mewithoutYou

Well for those of you that were wondering (Jodi Sorenson to be specific) the title for my blog is a quote from a song. One of my favorites. For those of you that are wondering how I got roped into blogging anyways that is all due to two people I love VERY much, Jodi Sorenson and Hallie Miller, one of whom is waiting at this very minute for me to post. Problem is I have a deep love for the way words sound and feel and not putting thought into them feels like adultery to me. Who knows maybe this will be a exquisite love affair with my thoughts. Or maybe just a good excuse to sit with my roommates and laugh until I cry (quite literally).

Either way it's going to be an adventure

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